I received an absolutely gorgeous mini quilt in the mail today. This quilt was sent to me from Rebecca of Illinois as part of an exchange through the APQS Forum. We had no idea of who would send us quilt. We emailed our preferences to a co-ordinator and were then given the details of whom we were to make a quilt for. 
We are all slowly receiving our quilts as they cross "the Pond" and "the States".
The details in the quilting are great. The whole quilt is only 26" square so it gives you some idea of how fine these feathers are. The colour doesn't show up really well in this photograph but it is fall tones of greens and I love them.
Rebecca also sent me this little card with the quilt, along with some other treasures.
Now if my swappee has been reading this blog and got this far.... here is a little teaser for you of part of your quilt that was posted late last week.
Check for the brightly coloured mailer it is coming your way.