The vendor mall was small compared to Houston. I suppose every vendor mall will be small after that one!
We enjoyed spending extended time with family and friends even Hijacked a Donkey so that it could meet a gorilla.
So if my son ever realises it is missing he may know where to start looking.
My daughter knows which bed it spent the most time on and it is happy to be spending time there again!
Almost 5000km in 12 days but well worth the drive.
Got to spend my daughter's birthday with her and Easter with my grandson. Was great to be able to wander the paddocks with him, always on the look out for snakes though.
He enjoys being outdoors and the cows on the other side of the fence fascinate him, as do the birds he constantly chases.
Now it is back to work, to complete a lot of quilts for customers who are hanging them in the Gatton In May 2011 show.