Sometimes a quilt really needs to be custom quilted to bring out the best in the piecing or appliques.
In this top there is a feathered cable in the outer border. This needs to be marked before it is quilted so time consuming. But the end result looks great. A fluttery fill behind the butterflies adds to their movement.
The greenish grey block is actually from the back of the quilt top. The top itself was made with asian fabrics and embroidered cranes, since it will be hanging in a show later this year I won't show any of the front.
Different sashing quilting in each different coloured sashing strip on a blanket stitched applique quilt. Each of the appliques were stitched around the outside, rather than SID (stitch in ditch) around the outside of the block a wavy line was used. There wasn't much room for a fill behind the appliques so none was done.
These gorgeous tortoises received different background fills, SID and the sashing was filled to replicate the different surfaces they were standing on.
They might have got lost with overall quilting.
This customer is very prolific with her quilts, so she has some very lucky family members.